Wir legen manche Magento Attribut Optionen während des CSV Imports an. Dazu gibt es seit Jahren Fragen auf Stackoverflow und co wie das geht. Die Antworten haben aber alle 2 Bugs:
- Schreibt magento, wenn man Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup::addAttributeOption benutzt, alle IDs der Option neu, weil es ein delete+insert macht. Damit sind alle Produkte, die das Attribut nutzen, ihren Wert los: Die optionIDs werden als varchar im Attribut gespeichert, die Datenbank kriegt von der Neu-Nummerierung nix von mit.
- Der Import Prozess cached die Attributdaten, dieser Cache muss auch aktualisiert werden. Sonst muss man immer 2 mal importieren.
Die Lösung:
Für 1. braucht es eine Alternative zu addAttributeOption. Der Methodennahme ist auch völlig irreführend. Es ist eigentlich update/add (aber nur für Admin Store)/delete in einem. Egal. Hier unsere Alternative:
class Bobbie_Export_Model_Entity_Setup extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup { /** * Append (ie add) Attribure Option to attribute, WITHOUT deleting all options. * This delete would make all products that use the attributes options loose those * as the attribute option value is stored as varchar * This doesn't have the fancy delete/update mechanism the original addAttributeOption code has * And it doesn't use the clumsy array with magic values approach * Also, you can update the Product Entity caches with the new value * @param int $attributeId ID of attribute * @param array $values mapping of storeId->AttributeLabel * @param Bobbie_Export_Model_Import_Entity_Product $entityAdapter used to update cache on the fly */ public function appendAttributeOption($attributeId, $values,$entityAdapter) { $optionTable = $this->getTable('eav/attribute_option'); $optionValueTable = $this->getTable('eav/attribute_option_value'); $optionTableData = array( 'attribute_id' => $attributeId, 'sort_order' => 0, ); $this->_conn->insert($optionTable, $optionTableData); $intOptionId = $this->_conn->lastInsertId($optionTable); foreach ($values as $storeId => $label) { $data = array( 'option_id' => $intOptionId, 'store_id' => $storeId, 'value' => $label, ); $this->_conn->insert($optionValueTable, $data); } if($entityAdapter) { $entityAdapter->addAttributeOptionToTypeModelCache($attributeId,$values[Mage::app()->getStore()->getStoreId()],$intOptionId); } } }
Das ist schonmal die halbe Miete. Unten Sieht man auch schon den Cache Aufruf. Das geht so:
class Bobbie_Export_Model_Import_Entity_Product extends Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product { /* When attribute options are added on the fly during import, this is needed to store them in cache * */ public function addAttributeOptionToTypeModelCache($attributeId, $optionLabel, $optionID) { foreach($this->_productTypeModels as $type => $typeModel) { if(method_exists($typeModel, 'addAttributeOptiontoCache')) { $typeModel->addAttributeOptiontoCache($attributeId, $optionLabel, $optionID); } } } } class Bobbie_Export_Model_Import_Entity_Product_Type_Simple extends Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product_Type_Simple { /* When attribute options are added on the fly during import, this is needed to store them in cache * */ public function addAttributeOptiontoCache($attributeId, $optionLabel, $optionID) { foreach($this->_attributes as $attributeSet => &$attributes) { foreach($attributes as &$attribute) { if($attribute['id'] == $attributeId) { $attribute['options'][$optionLabel] = $optionID; } } } } }
Damit das auch aufgerufen wird, braucht es noch ein paar Modifikationen des Stock Codes und ein Helper
abstract class Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Abstract { [...] /** * Check one attribute. Can be overridden in child. * * @param string $attrCode Attribute code * @param array $attrParams Attribute params * @param array $rowData Row data * @param int $rowNum * @return boolean */ public function isAttributeValid($attrCode, array $attrParams, array $rowData, $rowNum) { $valid = false; switch ($attrParams['type']) { case 'varchar': $val = Mage::helper('core/string')->cleanString($rowData[$attrCode]); $valid = Mage::helper('core/string')->strlen($val) < self::DB_MAX_VARCHAR_LENGTH; break; case 'decimal': $val = trim($rowData[$attrCode]); $valid = (float)$val == $val; break; case 'select': case 'multiselect': $attributeOption = strtolower($rowData[$attrCode]); if (array_key_exists($attributeOption,$attrParams['options'])) { $valid = true; } else { //Modified stock code: allow creating super attributes on the fly if($attrCode == 'configurable_color' || $attrCode == 'configurable_size' ){ $valid = null !== Mage::helper('export')->saveAttributeOption($attrParams['id'],$attributeOption,$this); } } break; case 'int': $val = trim($rowData[$attrCode]); $valid = (int)$val == $val; break; case 'datetime': $val = trim($rowData[$attrCode]); $valid = strtotime($val) !== false || preg_match('/^\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{2,4}(?:\s+\d{1,2}.\d{1,2}(?:.\d{1,2})?)?$/', $val); break; case 'text': $val = Mage::helper('core/string')->cleanString($rowData[$attrCode]); $valid = Mage::helper('core/string')->strlen($val) < self::DB_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH; break; default: $valid = true; break; } if (!$valid) { $this->addRowError("Invalid value " . $rowData[$attrCode] . " for " . $attrCode . ", type " . $attrParams['type'] . " possible is " . implode(array_keys($attrParams['options']),","), $rowNum, $attrCode); } elseif (!empty($attrParams['is_unique'])) { if (isset($this->_uniqueAttributes[$attrCode][$rowData[$attrCode]])) { $this->addRowError(Mage::helper('importexport')->__("Duplicate Unique Attribute for '%s'"), $rowNum, $attrCode); return false; } $this->_uniqueAttributes[$attrCode][$rowData[$attrCode]] = true; } return (bool) $valid; } [...] } class Bobbie_Export_Helper_Data extends Inchoo_PHP7_Helper_Data { /** * This function add new attribute option value for configurable product * Due to caching in calling classes, this code will re-ceck if the attribute exists before creating it. * @param $attributeCode string * @param $superAttributeOption string */ public function saveAttributeOption($attrId,$superAttributeOption,$entityAdapter){ $attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute('catalog_product', $attrId); $existingOption = $this->getAttributeOption($attribute,$superAttributeOption); if (! is_null($existingOption)) { return $existingOption; } //attribute option doesn't exist, create it. $values[0] = $superAttributeOption; $values[1] = $superAttributeOption; $setup = new Bobbie_Export_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup'); $setup->appendAttributeOption($attrId,$values,$entityAdapter); //reload attribute, and re-set options, in order to flush the option cache $attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute('catalog_product', $attrId); $source = Mage::getModel($attribute->getSourceModel()); if (!$source) { throw Mage::exception('Mage_Eav', Mage::helper('eav')->__('Source model "%s" not found for attribute "%s"',$this->getSourceModel(), $this->getAttributeCode()) ); } $source = $source->setAttribute($attribute); $attribute->setSource($source); return $this->getAttributeOption($attribute,$superAttributeOption); } protected function getAttributeOption($attribute,$attributeOption ) { foreach ( $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(true, true) as $option){ if($attributeOption == $option['label']){ return $option['value']; } } return null; } /** * Get option value for config * * @param array $attr * @param array $productData * @param string $configurableAttribute * @return string $optionValueFoConfig */ public function getOptionValueForConfig($attr, $attributeOptionValueId, $configurableAttribute) { $optionValueFoConfig = ''; if ($attr->usesSource ()) { $optionValueFoConfig = $attr->getSource ()->getOptionId ( $attributeOptionValueId ); if(!$optionValueFoConfig && ($attr['attribute_code'] == 'configurable_color' || $attr['attribute_code'] == 'configurable_size')){ $optionValueFoConfig = $this->saveAttributeOption($attr->getAttributeId(),$attributeOptionValueId); } } return $optionValueFoConfig; } } class Bobbie_Export_Model_Import_Entity_Product_Type_Configurable extends Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product_Type_Configurable { /** * Validate particular attributes columns. * * @param array $rowData * @param int $rowNum * @return bool */ protected function _isParticularAttributesValid(array $rowData, $rowNum) { if (! empty ( $rowData ['_super_attribute_code'] )) { $superAttrCode = $rowData ['_super_attribute_code']; if (! $this->_isAttributeSuper ( $superAttrCode )) { // check attribute superity $this->_entityModel->addRowError ( self::ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_IS_NOT_SUPER, $rowNum ); return false; } elseif (isset ( $rowData ['_super_attribute_option'] ) && strlen ( $rowData ['_super_attribute_option'] )) { $optionKey = strtolower ( $rowData ['_super_attribute_option'] ); if (! isset ( $this->_superAttributes [$superAttrCode] ['options'] [$optionKey] )) { if ($superAttrCode == 'configurable_color' || $superAttrCode == 'configurable_size') { $productAttributeOption = Mage::getModel ( 'catalog/product' ); $attr = $productAttributeOption->getResource ()->getAttribute ( $superAttrCode ); $this->_superAttributes [$superAttrCode] ['options'] [$optionKey] = Mage::helper ( 'export' )->getOptionValueForConfig ( $attr, $optionKey, $superAttrCode, $this ); } else { $this->_entityModel->addRowError ( self::ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, $rowNum ); return false; } } // check price value if (! empty ( $rowData ['_super_attribute_price_corr'] ) && ! $this->_isPriceCorr ( $rowData ['_super_attribute_price_corr'] )) { $this->_entityModel->addRowError ( self::ERROR_INVALID_PRICE_CORRECTION, $rowNum ); return false; } } } return true; }
Wir haben hier die Attribute Codes auf configurable_size und configurable_color hardcoded. Das muss natürlich nicht. Es gibt 2 Stellen wo das ganze aufgerufen werden kann, je nachdem ob zuerst das configurable oder das simple product importiert wird: Wir nutzen das feature für super attributes. Das ganze muss natürlich noch in entsprechende Module gepackt werden. Das überlasse ich mal dem geneigten Leser, ist ja so schon komplex genug.